Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Four Reasons to Collaborate on Our Next Book Project

We are gearing up to begin our next book project in our "My Now" series, My Now for the Future Man! Excited is an understatement of how we feel about My Now for the Future Man. This book will be written by all male authors who have an inspiring, uplifting and motivating word for young men everywhere.

If you're not convinced yet, here are Four Reasons to Collaborate on My Now for the Future Man:

1. Educate, Inspire and Motivate Through Your Message

If you've been wanting to share a word with young men everywhere, now is your time. Whether you want to encourage them not to give up, or you simply want to provide them with your own personalized survival tips, the sky is the limit on how you choose to share your message. My Now for the Future Man is a conversation between you and each young man taking the time to read the advice-filled chapters. Its a great way for you to use your platform to reach an audience that needs uplifting and encouragement along the way.

2. Begin Your Writing Career With a Bang!

For those of you who have wanted to begin a writing career, but are not ready to commit to an entire book, this is your chance to showcase your writing in just one chapter! You have the opportunity to get published faster, but with a fraction of the cost. Being featured in a book with other established authors doesn't hurt either!

3. Increase Your Following

Each featured author has their own audience, demographic and following. When each collaborative author sells their copy of My Now for the Future Man to their audience you have instant access to a new market.

4. Boost Your Credibility

Collaborating with us will give you an opportunity to boost your credibility as an author. You have your name in print including your profile and background info. Take that credibility to grow your own following or bolster your image as being versatile. Whether you are an established author, a life coach, trainer or speaker, prove that you have a diverse skill-set worth investing in!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! For more information about this and other collaborative book projects please contact us or sign up below to receive more information about My Now for the Future Man or other events, books and opportunities with Moovin4ward Publishing.  


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